The company is considered as a separate entity from its owner. Thus as per a human, there are ups and downs within the company like the life of a person. In numerology, it is considered that the name of the company can determine its destiny. Most of the educated young men and women will not believe about this but there are some influences for the future in some way. There are two numbers which are needed to be considered to determine the future.
- The name number: Here we have to consider the same numerology of the alphabets by which the company
- The inauguration date of the company
- The name vowel number: the even numbers also
- The name consonant number: the odd numbers also
*It is noted that if the company is not yet registered then the first date of the opening or accounts opened can be used as its date.
Most of the company depends on its products and services that it is selling or providing. It is believed that the effects of the company owner or its CEO will not be affected anyway with its existence or prosperity.
If you are having an account based company then the number 4 has its own depth and considered good.
If you have a travel based company then number 5 should be suitable for you. But you must avoid number 4.
Now let us discuss the numbers which are suitable or not suitable for a company.
Name number 1 :
This number is into leadership and self-efficiency. This number is perfect for entrepreneurs. Those who are into research and business of skills are good.
Name number 2 :
This number is means teamwork and coexistence. This number is suitable for marriage consultation and partnership. This number is favourable for teamwork. It is good for the diplomats also.
Name number 3 :
This number gives optimism and tolerance also. This is the number for the business of party services. It is suitable for the architectures, paints and creative businesses.
Name number 4 :
It will include foundation and methodology. This number as said earlier is suitable for the insurance company. It is also favourable for the computer software, security, real estate and business giving services of writings.
Name number 5 :
This number means freedom and curiosity. This number is compatible for Travel, Radio, Photography, Publishing business.
Name number 6 :
This is the number of harmony and healing. The businesses which are run by the family members are perfect. Other businesses are food, gardening, health, and hospitality business.
Name number 7 :
It is the most difficult number to get a company successful in respect of money as it is related to spirituality and wisdom which should not be included in any business. This number is appropriate for schools, restoration, library, antiques, and other restoration business.
Name number 8 :
This number is into balance and efficiency. Though it is also considered as the second worst number after number 7. This number is right of any legal business, investment and commercial offices
Name number 9 :
This number is related to any community services, fundraising or relief organization works. It can also be related to any other humanitarian and philanthropic works.
If you want to select the best name then you must jaw down all the preferred names on a paper or you can take help from expert numerology or any good website which would give you the correct readings.
Good luck and best wishes.